Food Freedom & Body Image Support for Christian Women

Because no, it's not "just normal" to hate your body or feel anxious about what (or how much) you eat.

Tired of constant, anxiety-ridden food and body-related thoughts?

Subscribe to The Joy-Filled Eater PRIVATE PODCAST to steal my step-by-step process for achieving lifelong food freedom & better body image.

Listen to this 6-part podcast series HERE

How I Can Help

Whether you want to work towards food freedom at your own pace with a course, have a community who's got your back, or need a dynamic speaker for your next event, we've got your covered!


The Joy-Filled Eater Course

Self-paced courses are a wonderful way to get your feet wet when it comes to getting to know and work with a nutrition coach.

The Joy-Filled Eater Course is your step-by-step blueprint to rediscover a peaceful and joy-filled relationship with food and body image as a Christian woman.

Click the button below to find out more about what's inside this signature course.



The Joy-Filled Food Freedom Society

Join the membership community (100% OFF of social media) designed specifically to equip and connect Christian women ready to experience true and lasting freedom from negative body image and an unhealthy relationship with food through monthly live coaching, weekly accountability, and 24/7 community support.



Speaking Engagements

If you’re hosting a group event, big or small, and want a speaker who can provide a biblical, evidenced-based and DYNAMIC food freedom or body image presentation, you've come to the right place!

I’ll work with you to create a presentation tailored to your specific audience so that they'll walk away having had valuable experience that will leave a lasting impact.


Listen in every Tuesday to The Joy-Filled Eater Podcast!

The podcast for women who love Jesus, feel like their body is never good enough, and wish food didn’t feel so complicated

Tune in as Registered Dietitian and food freedom expert, Brittany Braswell, talks about all the things you never thought were impacting your mindset and behaviors around food.


How you can benefit from working with a Christ-centered food freedom coach

Do you see foods as being "good" or "bad"?  Do you find yourself yo-yo dieting all the time or feeling hopeless as you try to make your body reach a certain size?  Are you struggling to recognize your own hunger and fullness cues?  Or maybe you're uncomfortable in your own skin and the thought of getting on a scale makes you incredibly anxious.

I can work with you on these areas and more to help you feel confident and secure in your body while also helping you discover your inherent worth.  Here's a hint... your worth is NOT determined by your size or shape ;)

Interested?  Click the button below to read more about how we can start working together and what I can do to help you find freedom from food guilt and body shame for good.


Meet Your #1 Cheerleader

Thank you for choosing to spend a part of your day with me.  I'm here to help you reach your nutrition and recovery goals faster and sustain them long-term.

As a Registered Dietitian with specialized education and training in the treatment of disordered eating and negative body image, I walk my clients and students through our proven 4-phase process to escape the lies of the Enemy and improve their relationship with food and their body. 

I empower the women I work with to grow in their confidence and cultivate autonomy so that they no longer experience anxious thinking about what they think they "should" or "should not" be eating.


Here's what a few of my clients are saying...

"I feel like I've had contact with you daily as I work through and digest the material in The Joy-Filled Eater! I cannot put into words how incredible this program is.

You have covered all the bases (and then some!) and I have learned SO MUCH. I also appreciate how you have presented the material in a way that makes it applicable.

I truly believe your work and this program are anointed by the Spirit and I cannot express how thankful I am for you!!!"

--Christine Johnson
The Joy-Filled Eater Alumna

"Working with Brittany has helped me to get better at calling out the ED lies and replacing them with truth. Feeding my mind with these truths and even saying them out loud has helped me to internalize them, and this has come out in my behaviors.

I have exposed myself to a lot of fear foods and have become much more flexible in my eating since starting the program. Just this week, I found myself saying “yes!” to a spontaneous opportunity that would have scared me in the past."

--Anna S.
The Joy-Filled Eater Alumna

"My core beliefs around food and my body made a huge shift from the beginning of my work with Brittany. I left behind an immense amount of shame and negativity and transitioned into a mindset that allows me not to be burdened by negative body issues and food guilt.

The work that she coached and supported me through will change the course of my life."

Former Coaching Client

"A disordered relationship with food and exercise permeated every area of my life. Stubborn in my self-reliance, I initially hesitated to reach out for support, thinking that I could "figure it out" with a stricter regimen and more self-control. Instead, this only further entrenched me in corrosive beliefs and practices.

I knew that the influence of my relationship with food reached far beyond the dinner table. Notions of identity, worth, and morality played a heavy role in my nutrition. 

Not only has Brittany helped me formulate a nutritional plan for physical restoration, but we have worked toward a path of growth that is allowing me to be present in every area of my life. As we detangle some of the false narratives, I have found immeasurable joy, peace, and freedom in Christ!

If you’re looking for nutritional guidance that will go beyond facts and figures to rework your relationship with food -- Brittany is your gal. If you are weary of all the conflicting advice from diets and the latest trends -- Brittany is your gal. If you desperately want to know how to take care of your body but are at the end of yourself -- Brittany is your gal. If you’re looking for insight that is grounded in grace and truth -- Brittany is your gal. 

In a world where we can feel bombarded by so many opinions and ideas, a steadfast guide can be invaluable to help us along the way. No one can choose recovery for you, but Brittany offers insight and is a relentless encourager for those who embark on this journey to freedom. I am incredibly grateful for the manner in which God used Brittany to orchestrate a beautiful testimony of healing in my life."

--Isabel M.
The Joy-Filled Eater Alumna

Are you a woman who loves the Lord and struggles with fear and anxiety around food or your body?

When you subscribe to our VIP Podcast Insiders List, you'll get a weekly word of encouragement from Brittany straight to your inbox every Tuesday with podcast extras, BONUS resources, and more strategies for overcoming disordered eating and negative body image.